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Monday, December 14, 2009

Top 10 World Economy Predictions for 2010

It is barely 2 weeks from now and the world will be facing 2010. For businessmen, economists, and even ordinary citizens, it is but natural to wonder what will possibly happen to the world especially in terms of economy.

Apparently, IHS Chief Economist Nariman Behravesh has just announced his world economy prediction for 2010. According to him, the Global GDP will grow only 2.8 percent next year, but much better than the 2.0 percent drop last year 2009, while it will be well below the 3.5-4.0 percent trend rate of growth.

Meanwhile, below is short summary of the top 10 world economy predictions for 2010 as analyzed by Behravesh and experts at IHS Global Insight.

1.0 US will start to recover slowly.
2.0 Europe and Japan will rebound slower than US.
3.0 Most emerging markets will outpaced the developed economies.
4.0 Interest rates in the G-8 economies will remain very low.
5.0 Fiscal stimulus will begin to ease.
6.0 Commodity prices will move sideways.
7.0 Inflation will not mostly be a problem.
8.0 After improving for a while, global imbalances will worsen again.
9.0 While the dollar may strengthen a little, it is on a downward glide path.
10.0 The risk of a double-dip is still uncomfortably high.

If you are interested to read the details about them, you can read the whole article at IHS Global Insight.

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